Holy City of Madinah
Prophet's Mosque in Madinah
The Holy City of Madinah, which lies in the central Hijaz 447 kilometers
north of the Holy City of Makkah, is 625 meters (2,050 feet) above sea
level. Sited on a fertile oasis, it is bounded on three sides by hills
which form part of the Hijaz mountain range. The highest of these
hills, Mount Uhud, rises more than 2,000 meters above the oasis.
Madinah is the second holiest city in Islam. It was to Madinah that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
and his followers, faced by the hostility and persecution of the Makkan
merchants, departed in 622 CE - and, when the citizens of Madinah asked
the Prophet to live amongst them and to arbitrate in their affairs (an
invitation taken to mean their rejection of polytheism and submission to
the will of the one God, Allah), it was in Madinah that the Islamic era
Madinah is then the city of the Prophet. As the place in which the Holy Qur'an
was compiled and from which the Prophet's companions administered the
affairs of the Muslim community, it was the seat of the first Islamic
state. From Madinah, armies, spreading the word of the Prophet, were
dispatched to Egypt, Persia and Syria.
Madinah is also the place in which the Prophet, peace be upon him, was
Madinah is the Arabic for "city". The full name of Al-Madinah
Al-Munawwarah means "Enlightened City". A visit to Madinah is not part
of Umrah or Hajj
but the deep affection in which the Prophet held the city and its
intimate connection with the birth of Islam puts it on the itinerary of
most pilgrims performing Hajj.
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